of N.G. de Bruijn
Full name:
Nicolaas Govert de Bruijn
Date of Birth:
July 9, 1918
Place of Birth:
The Hague, The Netherlands
Date of Death:
February 17, 2012
30 August 1944, with Elizabeth de Groot
Jorina Aleida, born 19 January 1947
Frans Willem, born 13 April 1948
Elisabeth, born 24 November 1950, died 18 November 2008
Judith Elizabeth, born 31 March 1963
Home address:
Eikenlaan 2, 5671AB Nuenen, The Netherlands
Telephone 040-2831650
Institutional address:
Eindhoven University of Technology,
Department of Mathematics and Computing Science
PO Box 513, 5600 MB EINDHOVEN, The Netherlands
Elementary school, The Hague,1924-1930
Secundary school (H.B.S.), The Hague 1930-1934
Leiden University, 1936-1941
Doctorate obtained on March 26, 1943, at the Free
University at Amsterdam. The subject was in
Mathematics, in particular Algebraic Number Theory.
Title of Dissertation: Over modulaire vormen van meer
veranderlijken (Modular forms in several variables)
Professional Career:
Assistant, Department of Mathematics, Technological
University Delft, September 1939-June 1944
Scientific Associate at Philips Research Laboratories,
Eindhoven, June 1944-October 1946
Professor, Department of Mathematics, Technological
University Delft, October 1946-September 1952
Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of
Amsterdam, September 1952-September 1960
Professor, Department of Mathematics, Technological
University Eindhoven, September 1960-August 1984
Professor Emeritus since August 1, 1984
Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, 1960-1984
Member Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences since 1957
Invited Speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians,
Nice 1970
Ridder Nederlandse Leeuw (Knight in the Order of the Lion) 1981
Snellius Medal 1985 (This medal of the "Genootschap ter
Bevordering van natuur-, genees-, en heelkunde" is awarded only
once in 9 years for the whole field of mathematics, natural
sciences and medicine. The work on the Automath project was
the main motivation for this case)
Honorary Member of the Netherlands Mathematical Society
("Wiskundig Genootschap") since 1988
AKZO Prize 1991
Lifetime Achievement Award. 2003
Nederlandse Vereniging v. Theoretische Informatica.
Visiting Professorships:
Gauss Professor at University of Göttingen, summer 1959
Visiting Professor, Department of Mathematics of the
University of Paris at Orsay, summer 1965
Visiting Professor (Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Scholar),
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA,
April-May 1973
Visiting Professor, University of Tel Aviv, Israel, April 1984
Papers published:
(until March 2004) about 196 journal publications and
about 120 internal reports
Subjects: Geometry, Number Theory,
Classical and Functional Analysis,
Applied Mathematics, Combinatorics,
Computer Science, Logic,
Mathematical Language, Brain Models.