PhD students of N.G. de Bruijn
A.H.M. Levelt (Hypergeometric functions) 1961.
S.T.M. Ackermans (An asymptotic method in the
theory of series) 1964.
J.J.A. Beenakker (The differential-difference equation
alpha x f'(x) + f(x-1) = 0) 1966.
W. van der Meiden (Point-free carrier space topology for
commutative Banach algebras) 1967.
M.L.J. Hautus (Optimal control of differential systems
with discontinuous right-hand sides) 1970.
R.P. Nederpelt (Strong normalization in a typed lambda
calculus with lambda structured types) 1973.
L.S. van Benthem Jutting (Checking Landau's "Grundlagen" in
the Automath system) 1977.
A.J.E.M. Janssen (Application of the Wigner distribution
to harmonic analysis of generalized stochastic
processes) 1979.
D.T. van Daalen (The language theory of Automath) 1980.
H. Balsters (Lambda calculus extended with segments) 1986.