List of publications
1. Integralen voor de zetafunctie van Riemann.
Mathematica (Zutphen) B5 (1937) 170-180.
2. Over de hypocycloide van Steiner-Schläfli.
Nieuw Archief Wiskunde (2) 20 (1940) 282-287.
3. Een constructie van k-dimensionale
Mathematica (Zutphen) B9 (1941) 149-151.
4. Ein Satz über schlichte Funktionen.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings 44 (1941) 47-49
Math. 3 (1941) 8-10).
5. Over de absolute convergentie van reeksen van
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings 52 (1943) 23-28
Math. 5 (1943) 8-13).
6. Modulaire vormen van meer veranderlijken.
Ph.D. Thesis, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 1943, XIV+63 p.
7. Gemeenschappelijke representantensystemen van twee
van een verzameling.
Nieuw Archief Wiskunde (2) 22 (1943) 48-52.
8. Over het aantal oplossingen van het stelsel
x_1^2 + x_2^2 + x_3^2 = n,
x_1 + x_2 + x_3 = m.
Nieuw Archief Wiskunde (2) 22 (1943) 53-56.
9. Bijnaperiodieke multiplicatieve functies.
Nieuw Archief Wiskunde (2) 22 (1943) 81-95.
10. The problem of optimum antenna current
distribution (with C.J. Bouwkamp).
Philips Resarch Reports 1 (1946) 135-158.
11. A note on van der Pol's equation.
Philips Resarch Reports 1 (1946) 401-406.
12. The electrostatic field of a point charge inside a
cylinder, in connection
with wave guide theory (with C.J. Bouwkamp).
J. Appl. Phys. 18 (1947) 562-577.
13. A combinatorial problem.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings 49 (1946)
758-764 (=Indagationes
Math. 8 (1946) 461-467).
14. On the zeros of a polynomial and its derivative.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings 49 (1946)
1037-1044 (=Indagationes
Math. 8 (1946) 635-642).
15. On the zeros of a polynomial and its derivative II
(with T.A. Springer).
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings 50 (1947)
458-464 (=Indagationes
Math. 9 (1947) 264-270).
16. On the zeros of composition-polynomials (with T.A.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings 50 (1947)
895-903 (=Indagationes
Math. 9 (1947) 406-414).
17. Inequalities concerning polynomials in the complex
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings 50 (1947)
1265-1272 (=Indagationes
Math. 9 (1947) 591-598).
18. On the sum of a monotonic and a periodic
Nieuw Archief Wiskunde (2) 22 (1948) 134-140.
19. The logarithmic solutions of linear differential
Philos. Mag. (7) 39 (1948) 134-140.
20. On Mahler's partition problem.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings 51 (1948)
659-669 (=Indagationes
Math. 10 (1948) 210-220).
21. On a combinatorial problem (with P. Erdös).
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings 51 (1948)
1277-1279 (=Indagationes
Math. 10 (1948) 421-423).
22. Some theorems on the roots of polynomials.
Nieuw Archief Wiskunde (2) 23 (1949) 66-68.
23. An analogue of Grace's apolarity theorem.
Nieuw Archief Wiskunde (2) 23 (1949) 69-76.
24. A note on slowly oscillating functions (with J.
Korevaar and T. van
Nieuw Archief Wiskunde (2) 23 (1949) 77-86.
25. Sequences of points on a circle (with P.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings 52 (1949) 46-49
Math. 11 (1948) 14-17).
26. The asymptotically periodic behaviour of the
solutions of some linear
functional equations.
American J. Math. 71 (1949) 313-330.
27. On some linear functional equations.
Publ. Math. Debrecen 1 (1950) 129-134.
28. On the number of uncancelled elements in the sieve
of Eratosthenes.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings 53 (1950)
803-812 (=Indagationes
Math. 12 (1950) 247-256).
29. On some Volterra equations of which all solutions
are convergent.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings 53 (1950)
813-821 (=Indagationes
Math. 12 (1950) 257-265).
30. On bases for the set of integers.
Publ. Math. Debrecen 1 (1950) 232-242.
31. The roots of trigonometric integrals.
Duke Math. J. 17 (1950) 197-226.
32. On the number of positive integers <= x and
free of prime factors > y
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings 53 (1950)
813-821 (=Indagationes
Math. 12 (1950) 257-265).
33. Meetkundige beschouwingen over nulpunten van
polynomen in het
complexe vlak.
Faraday 1950, 17-20.
34. On the set of divisors of a number (with C. van
Ebbenhorst Tengbergen
and D. Kruyswijk).
Nieuw Archief Wiskunde (2) 23 (1951) 191-193.
35. Functions whose differences belong to a given
Nieuw Archief Wiskunde (2) 23 (1951) 194-218.
36. The asymptotic behaviour of a function occurring in
the theory of primes.
J. Indian Math. Soc. 15(A) (1951) 25-32.
37. A colour problem for infinite graphs and a problem
in the theory of
relations (with P. Erdös).
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 54
(=Indagationes Math. 13)
(1952) 371-373.
38. Circuits and trees in oriented linear graphs (with
T. van Aardenne-
Simon Stevin 28 (1952) 203-217.
39. Some linear and some quadratic recursion formulas I
(with P. Erdös).
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 54
(=Indagationes Math. 13)
(1952) 378-382.
40. Some linear and some quadratic recursion formulas II
(with P. Erdös).
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 55
(=Indagationes Math. 14)
(1952) 152-163.
41. A difference property for Riemann integrable
functions and for some
similar classes of functions.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 55
(=Indagationes Math. 14)
(1952) 145-151.
42. Inequalities concerning determinants and systems of
linear equations (with
D. van Dantzig).
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 55
(=Indagationes Math. 14)
(1952) 315-321.
43. On the factorization of finite abelian groups.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 56
(=Indagationes Math. 15)
(1953) 258-264.
44. On a recursion formula and on some tauberian
theorems (with P. Erdös).
J. Res. Nat. Bur. Standards 50 (1953) 161-164.
45. On invariants of G.C.D. algorithms (with W.M.
Nieuw Archief Wiskunde (3) 1 (1953) 105-112.
46. On the factorization of cyclic groups.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 56
(=Indagationes Math. 15)
(1953) 370-377.
47. The difference-differential equation
F'(x) = e^(alpha x + beta) F(x-1), I, II.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 56
(=Indagationes Math. 15)
(1953) 449-464.
48. Non sigma-finite measures
and product measures (with A.C. Zaanen).
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 57
(=Indagationes Math. 16)
(1954) 456-466.
49. On some exponential and polar
representations of matrices (with
G. Szekeres).
Nieuw Archief Wiskunde (3) 3 (1955) 20-32.
50. On some classes of integer-valued functions.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 58
(=Indagationes Math. 17)
(1955) 363-367.
51. On number systems.
Nieuw Archief Wiskunde (3) 4 (1956) 15-17.
52. Inequalities concerning minors and eigenvalues.
Nieuw Archief Wiskunde (3) 4 (1956) 18-35.
53. On some multiple integrals involving
J. Indian Math. Soc. 19 (1955) 133-151.
54. A theorem on choice functions.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 60
(=Indagationes Math. 19)
(1957) 409-411.
55. Embedding theorems for infinite groups.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 60
(=Indagationes Math. 19)
(1957) 560-569.
56. Function theory in Banach algebras.
Ann. Acad. Sci. Fennicae Ser A. I. Math. 250/5
(1958) 12 pp.
57. Pairs of slowly oscillating functions occurring in
asymptotic problems
concerning the Laplace transform.
Nieuw Archief Wiskunde (3) 7 (1959) 20-26.
58. Generalization of Polya's fundamental theorem
in enumerative
combinatorial analysis.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 62
(=Indagationes Math. 21)
(1959) 59-69.
59. Addendum to "A theorem on choice functions".
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 62
(=Indagationes Math. 21)
(1959) p. 327.
60. De reeks van Taylor en soortgelijke reeksen.
Simon Stevin 33 (1959) 20-26.
61. Verallgemeinerte Riemannsche Sphären.
Nachr. Akad. Wissensch. Göttingen Math. Phys. Kl. I
(1959) nr 11,
62. On Turan's first main theorem.
Acta Math. Acad. Sc. Hungar. XI (1960) 213-216.
63. Asymptotically orthonormal sequences in Hilbert
Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest. Eötvös, Sect Math.
III-IV, (1960/1961) 35-40.
64. On the number of integers <= x whose prime
factors divide n.
Illinois J. Math. 6 (1962) 137-141.
65. A converse of Cauchy's fundamental sequence
Simon Stevin 35 (1961-1962) 110-112.
66. On unitary equivalence of unitary dilations of
contractions in
Hilbert space.
Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 23 (1962) 100-105.
67. On Hilbert's inequality in n dimensions
(with H.S. Wilf).
Bulletin A.M.S. 68 (1962) 70-73.
68. Polya's theory of counting.
In: Applied Combinatorial Mathematics,
ed. E.F. Beckenbach, Wiley 1964,
69. Meetkunde spelen met speelkaarten.
Pythagoras 2 (1963) 95-97 and 116-119.
70. On the asymptotic behaviour of some Dirichlet series
with a complicated
singularity (with J.H. van Lint).
Nieuw Archief Wiskunde (3) 11 (1963) 68-75.
71. Carleman's inequality for finite series.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 66
(=Indagationes Math. 25)
(1963) 505-514.
72. Enumerative combinatorial problems
concerning structures.
Nieuw Archief Wiskunde (3) 11 (1963) 142-161.
73. On the number of integers <= x whose
prime factors divide n (with
J.H. van Lint).
Acta Arithm. 8 (1963) 349-356.
74. Incomplete sums of multiplicative
functions I (with J.H. van Lint).
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 67
(=Indagationes Math. 26)
(1964) 339-327.
75. Incomplete sums of multiplicative
functions II (with J.H. van Lint).
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 67
(=Indagationes Math. 26)
(1964) 348-359.
76. Some direct decompositions of the set of
Math. Comp. 18 (1964) 537-546.
77. Addendum to "Embedding theorems for infinite
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 67
(=Indagationes Math. 26)
(1964) 594-595.
78. Some extremal problems about differential equations
with perturbations.
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 10 (1965) 221-230.
79. On partial sums of
$\Sigma_{d \mid m} \varphi (d) ~$ (with J.H. van Lint).
Simon Stevin 39 (1965) 18-22.
80. A problem of optimal control.
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 14 (1966) 185-190.
81. On the number of positive integers <= x and
free of prime factors > y. II
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 69
(=Indagationes Math. 28)
(1966) 240-247.
82. On almost additive functions.
Colloq. Math. 15 (1966) 59-63.
83. Uncertainty principles in Fourier analysis.
In: Inequalities, ed. O. Shisha, Acad. Press 1967,
pp. 57-71.
84. A note on plane trees (with B.J.M. Morselt).
J. Combinatorial Th. 2 (1967) 27-34.
85. Colour patterns that are invariant under a
given permutation of
the colours.
J. Combinatorial Th. 2 (1967) 418-421.
86. Additional comments on a problem in concurrent
programming control.
Communic. A.C.M. 10 (1967) p 137.
87. Wigner-distributie als muzikaal notenschrift bij de
Fourier analyse van
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam. Verslag van de Gewone
Afd. Natuurkunde 76 (1967) 19-23.
88. Notes on Gelfand's theory (with W.van der
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 70
(=Indagationes Math. 29)
(1967) 467-474.
89. A remark on uniformly distributed sequences and
integrability (with K.A. Post).
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 71
(=Indagationes Math. 30)
(1968) 149-150.
90. Enumeration of tree-shaped molecules.
In: Recent Progress in Combinatorics, ed. W.T. Tutte,
Acad. Press 1969,
91. Permutations with given ups and downs.
Nieuw Archief Wiskunde (3) 18 (1970) 61-65.
92. Filling boxes with bricks.
Amer. Math. Monthly 76 (1969). 38-40.
93. Enumeration of generalized graphs (with D.A.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 72
(=Indagationes Math. 31)
(1969) 1-9.
94. Automath, a language for mathematics.
Department of Mathematics, Eindhoven University
of Technology, TH-report
68-WSK-05, 47 p.
Reprinted in revised form, with two pages commentary,
in: Automation and
Reasoning, vol 2, Classical papers on computational
logic 1967-1970, Springer
Verlag 1983, pp. 159-200.
95. The mathematical language Automath, its
usage, and some of its
Symposium on Automatic Demonstration (Versailles
December 1968),
Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 125, Springer Verlag
1970, pp. 29-61.
Reprinted in: Selected Papers on Automath, edited by
R.P. Nederpelt,
J.H. Geuvers and R.C. de Vrijer, Studies in Logic,
vol. 133, pp. 73-100.
North-Holland 1994.
96. Enumeration of mapping patterns.
J. Combinatorial Th. A12 (1972) 14-20.
97. Non-numerieke computertoepassingen.
In: Computerwiskunde, ed. J.J. Seidel. Aula reeks
nr 407, Utrecht/Antwerpen
1969, pp. 75-94.
98. On some formal power series
expansions (with C.J. Bouw\-kamp).
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 72
(=Indagationes Math. 31)
(1969) 301-308.
99. Programmeren van de pentomino puzzle.
Euclides 47 (1971/1972) 90-104.
100. Machinale verificatie van redeneringen.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam. Verslag van de Gewone
Afd. Natuurkunde 78 (1969) 151-155.
101. The exterior cycle index of a permutation group.
In: Studies in Pure Mathematics, ed. L. Mirsky,
Academic Press 1971,
pp. 31-37.
102. Polya's Abzähltheorie: Muster für
Graphen und chemische
In: Selecta Mathematica III, Heidelberger
Taschenbücher, vol. 86,
Springer Verlag 1971, pp. 1-26.
103. A solitaire game and its relation to a finite
J. Recreational Math. 5 (1972) 133-137.
Reprinted in: Mathematical Solitaires and Games, ed. B. L.
Excursions in Recreational Mathematics, Ser. 1., pp. 12-16.
Publ. Comb.
104. Recent developments in enumeration theory.
Actes Congr. Int. Math. 1970, Tome 3, pp. 193-199.
105. A survey of generalizations of Polya's
enumeration theorem.
Nieuw Archief Wiskunde (3) 19 (1971) 89-112.
106. The average height of planted plane
trees (with D.E. Knuth and
S.O. Rice).
In: Graph Theory and Computing, ed. R.C. Read,
Academic Press 1972,
pp. 15-22.
107. Some algorithms for reordering a sequence of
objects, with application
to E. Sparre Andersen's Principle of Equivalence in
mathematical statistics.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 75
(=Indagationes Math. 34)
(1972) 1-10.
108. Lambda calculus notation with nameless dummies,
a tool for automatic
formula manipulation, with application to the Church-Rosser
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 75
(=Indagationes Math. 34)
(1972) 381-392.
Reprinted in: Selected Papers on Automath, edited by
R.P. Nederpelt,
J.H. Geuvers and R.C. de Vrijer, Studies in Logic,
vol. 133, pp. 375-388.
North-Holland 1994.
109. Set theory with type restrictions.
In: Infinite and Finite Sets, ed. A. Hajnal, R. Rado
and Vera T. Sos,
vol I, Coll. Math. Soc. J. Bolyai 10 (1975), pp.
Reprinted in: Selected Papers on Automath, edited by
R.P. Nederpelt,
J.H. Geuvers and R.C. de Vrijer, Studies in Logic, vol. 133,
pp. 841-847.
North-Holland 1994.
110. A theory of generalized functions, with applications
to Wigner
distribution and Weyl correspondence.
Nieuw Archief Wiskunde (3) 21 (1973) 205-280.
111. Sorting by means of swappings.
Discrete Math. 9 (1974) 334-339.
112. The Automath mathematics checking project.
Proceeedings of the symposium APLASM, ed. P. Braffort,
Vol I, Orsay 1973.
Reprinted (with epiloque 1981) in: Studies in Logic, Grammar
and Rhetorics,
ed. J. Kopania, Papers of Warsaw University no 40, Humanities
vol II.
Bialystok 1983.
113. Automath, a language for mathematics.
Séminaire Math. Sup. 1971.
Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal 1973,
58 p.
114. Exact finite models for minimal propositional
calculs over a finite
Department of Mathematics, Eindhoven University of
TH-report 68-WSK-05, 30 p.
115. Wiskundige modellen voor het levende brein.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam. Verslag van de Gewone
Afd. Natuurkunde 83 (1974) 156-164.
116. An asymptotic problem.
Proc. Prague Symp. on asymptotic statistics, Vol II,
ed. J. Hajek.
Charles University, Prague 1974.
117. Acknowledgement of priority to C. Flye Sainte-Marie
on the counting
of circular arrangement of zeros and ones that show each
n-letter word exactly
Department of Mathematics, Eindhoven University of
TH-report 75-WSK-06,
118. A finite basis theorem for packing boxes with
bricks (with D.A. Klarner).
Philips Research Reports 30 (1975) 337-343.
119. Defining reals without the use of rationals.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 79
(=Indagationes Math. 36)
(1976) 100-108.
120. Een klaverbladknoop in de vorm van een ruimtelijke
negenhoek met
rechte hoeken en di\"{e}drische symmetrie.
Nieuw Tijdschrift Wiskunde 63 (1976) 245-247.
121. Spelen op een graaf.
Nieuw Tijdschrift Wiskunde 63 (1976) 201-208.
122. The use of partially ordered sets for the study of
propositional logics.
In: Problèmes Combinatoires et Théorie des
Graphes, Coll. Intern. C.N.R.S.
No 260, Paris 1978, pp. 67-70.
123. Commentary on B.L. van der Waerden's paper on
arithmetic progressions
in sets of integers.
In: Two Decades of Mathematics in the Netherlands,
ed. E.M. Bertin et.
al., Part I. Mathematical Centre Amsterdam 1978, pp.
124. Opbouw van het systeem der reële getallen.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam. Verslag van de Gewone
Afd. Natuurkunde 86 (1977) 156-164.
125. Lambda calculus with namefree formulas involving
symbols that represent
reference transforming mappings.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 81
(=Indagationes Math. 40)
(1978) 348-356.
126. An asymptotic problem on iterated functions.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 82
(=Indagationes Math. 41)
(1979) 105-110.
127. A namefree lambda calculus with facilities
for internal definition of
expressions and segments.
Department of Mathematics, Eindhoven University of
TH-report 78-WSK-03 (1978), 39 p.
128. Topological existence proof for a non-linear
two-point boundary value
Philips. J. Research 36 (1981) 229-238.
129. A note on the Cauchy-Frobenius lemma.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 82
(=Indagationes Math. 41)
(1979) 225-228.
130. Wees contextbewust in WOT.
Euclides 55 (1979/1980) 7-12.
131. Grammatica van WOT.
Euclides 55 (1979/1980) 66-72.
132. Van alles en nog wat over gebonden variabelen in
wiskundige taal.
Euclides 55 (1979/1980) 262-268.
133. Wiskundigen, let op Uw Nederlands.
Euclides 55 (1979/1980) 429-435.
134. The pretzel solitaire card game as a pastime for
the lonely mathematician.
In: The Mathematical Gardner, ed. D.A. Klarner, Prindle,
Weber and
Scmidt (Boston, Mass.) and Wadsworth Intl. (Belmont, Cal.)
1980, pp. 16-24.
135. On the number of partition patterns of a set.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 82
(=Indagationes Math. 41)
(1979) 229-234.
136. Remarks on hermitean matrices.
Linar Algebra and Appl. 32 (1980) 201-208.
137. Counting complete matchings without using
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 83
(=Indagationes Math. 42)
(1980) 145-151.
138. A survey of the project Automath.
In: To H.B. Curry: Essays in combinatory logic, lambda
calculus and
formalism, ed. J.P. Seldin and J.R. Hindley, Academic Press
pp. 579-606.
Reprinted in: Selected Papers on Automath, edited by
R.P. Nederpelt,
J.H. Geuvers and R.C. de Vrijer, Studies in Logic, vol. 133,
pp. 141-161.
North-Holland 1994.
139. Sequences of zeros and ones generated by special
production rules.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 84
(=Indagationes Math. 43)
(1981) 27-37.
Reprinted in: The Physics of Quasicrystals, ed. P.J. Steinhardt
S. Ostlund, World Scientific Publ. Comp., Singapore (1987),
pp. 662-672.
140. Naschrift op het artikel "Wiskunde en Nederlands"
van L.G. Mostertman.
Euclides 56 (1980/1981) 110-111.
141. Algebraic theory of Penrose's non-periodic tilings
of the plane.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 84
(=Indagationes Math. 43)
(1981) 38-66.
Reprinted in: The Physics of Quasicrystals, ed. P.J. Steinhardt
S. Ostlund, World Scientific Publ. Comp., Singapore (1987),
pp. 673-700.
142. Denumerations of rooted trees and multisets.
Discr. Appl. Math. 6 (1983) 25-33.
143. Multisets of aperiodic cycles (with D.A.
SIAM J. Algebr. Discr. Meth. 3 (1982) 359-368.
144. The Lagrange-Good inversion formula, and its
application to integral
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 92 (1983) 397-409.
145. Sorting arrays by means of swaps.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 86
(=Indagationes Math. 45)
(1983) 38-66.
146. A sorting machine.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 86
(=Indagationes Math. 45)
(1983) 133-138.
147. Some machines defined by directed graphs.
Theor. Computer Sc. 32 (1984) 309-319.
148. Computers in het onderwijs.
Euclides 59 (1983/1984) 87-91.
149. Formalization of constructivity in Automath.
In: Papers dedicated to J.J. Seidel, ed. P.J.
de Doelder, J. de Graaf
and J.H. van Lint. EUT-Report 84-WSK-03, ISSN 0167-9708,
Department of
Mathematics and Computing Science, Eindhoven University of
Technology, 1984,
pp. 76-101.
Reprinted in: Selected Papers on Automath, edited by
R.P. Nederpelt,
J.H. Geuvers and R.C. de Vrijer, Studies in Logic, vol. 133,
pp. 849-864.
North-Holland 1994.
150. Het Informatica-stimuleringsplan.
I & I, Kwartaalreeks over Informatie en
Informatiebeleid, nr 5, 1984,
pp. 9-15.
151. Omzien in bewondering.
Nieuw Archief Wiskunde (4) vol 3 (1985) 105-119.
152. Checking mathematics with the aid of a computer.
In: The Influence of Computers and Informatics on Mathematics
its Teaching, (ed. A.G. Howson and J.-P. Kahane), pp. 61-68.
University Press 1986.
153. Generalizing Automath by means of a lambda-typed
lambda calculus.
In: Mathematical Logic and Theoretical Computer Science,
Lecture Notes
in pure and applied mathematics, 106, (ed. D. W. Kueker, E.G.K.
Escobar, C.H. Smith) pp. 71-92. Marcel Dekker, New York
Reprinted in: Selected Papers on Automath, edited by
R.P. Nederpelt,
J.H. Geuvers and R.C. de Vrijer, Studies in Logic, vol. 133,
pp. 313-337.
North-Holland 1994.
154. Quasicrystals and their Fourier transform.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 89
(=Indagationes Math. 48)
(1986) 123-152.
155. Dualization of multigrids.
In: Proceedings of the International Workshop Aperiodic
Journal de Physique, vol. 47, Colloque C3, supplement to
nr. 7, pp. 85-94.
156. Modulated quasicrystals.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proceedings Ser. A 90
(=Indagationes Math. 49)
(1987) 121-132.
157. Symmetry and quasisymmetry.
Lecture at the Symmetrie Symposion, Technische Hochschule
13-17 Juni 1986. In: Symmetrie in Geistes- und
Naturwissenschaft. Herausg.
R. Wille. Springer Verlag 1988.
158. Wiskundige theorie van quasikristallen.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam. Verslag van de Gewone
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159. A riffle shuffle card trick and its relation
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160. Up-down generation of Beatty sequences.
Kon. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proc. Ser. A 92
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161. Telescopic mappings in typed lambda calculus.
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162. The use of justification systems for integrated
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163. Wiskunde en de computer.
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164. Updown generation of Penrose tilings.
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167. Mathematics and Computers.
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168. Checking mathematics with computer assistance.
Notices American Mathematical Society, vol 38(1), Jan. 1991,
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169. A plea for weaker frameworks.
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170. The Mathematical Vernacular, a language for
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In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Programming Logic, Editors
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171. Vloerbedekkingen met Penrose tegels.
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172. The Mathematical Vernacular, a language for
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173. Wiskundige Omgangstaal.
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176. Penrose patterns are almost entirely determined by
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Discrete Mathematics 106/107 pp. 97-104 (1992).
177. On the role of types in mathematics.
To be published in a volume dedicated to the Curry-Howard
ed. Ph. de Groote.
178. A model for information processing in human memory
Nieuw Archief Wiskunde (4) vol 12 (1994) 35-48.
179. Highlighting the lambda-free fragment of
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180. Reflections on Automath. [Translation of V40
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North-Holland 1994.
181. AUT-SL, a single line version of Automath.
[Reprint of report N35
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J.H. Geuvers
and R.C. de Vrijer, Studies in Logic, vol. 133, pp. 275-281.
North-Holland 1994.
182. Some extensions of Automath: the AUT4-family.
[Reprint of report M10
In: Selected Papers on Automath, edited by R.P. Nederpelt,
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and R.C. de Vrijer, Studies in Logic, vol. 133, pp. 283-288.
North-Holland 1994.
183. AUT-QE without type inclusion.
[Reprint of report N56 (1978)].
In: Selected Papers on Automath, edited by R.P. Nederpelt,
J.H. Geuvers
and R.C. de Vrijer, Studies in Logic, vol. 133, pp. 289-297.
North-Holland 1994.
184. Computer program semantics in space and time.
[Reprint of report M8
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North-Holland 1994.
185. Verification of mathematical proofs by a computer.
A preparatory study
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In: Selected Papers on Automath, edited by R.P. Nederpelt,
J.H. Geuvers
and R.C. de Vrijer, Studies in Logic, vol. 133, pp. 57-72.
North-Holland 1994.
186. Example of a text written in Automath.
[Reprint of report M2 (1968),
with comments by R.C. de Vrijer].
In: Selected Papers on Automath, edited by R.P. Nederpelt,
J.H. Geuvers
and R.C. de Vrijer, Studies in Logic, vol. 133, pp. 687-700.
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187. Can people think?
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188. Influences of type-theoretical checking on the
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189. Geheugenmodel met bewustzijn. Biologische
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190. Philosophical aspects of computerized
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191. Wiskunde en Kunst.
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192. A model for associative memory, a basis for
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In: J. Wiedermann, P. van Emde Boas, M. Nielsen (eds.).
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194. The beer bottles problem.
In: David Wolfe and Tom Rogers (eds.).
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A.K. Peters, Natick, Massachusetts, 2002.
A mathematical model for biological memory and consciousness.
In: Fairouz D. Kamareddine (ed.).
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196. Set!
Nieuw Archief v. Wiskunde, ser. 5, deel 3, nr. 3,
December 2002, pp. 320-325.
197. Rekenen modulo 2 en goochelen met logica.
Pythagoras, jg. 43, nr 2 (februari 2004) pp. 10-13.